Gfuel Sour Chug Rug 473ml
Introducing Gfuel Sour Chug Rug, where sour meets refreshing! This energy drink takes your taste buds on a tangy journey with its intense flavor profile, delivering a boost without added sugars. Whether gearing up for a late-night study session, challenging yourself in your favorite game, or simply needing a refreshing pick-me-up, Sour Chug Rug is your go-to. Feel the sour kick and let yourself be energized by the unique spirit of this drink!
Ingredients: Carbonated Water, Natural and Artificial Flavours, Sodium Gluconate, Malic Acid, Caffeine (Purecaf™), Potassium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (goBHB®), Vitamin Blend (Maltodextrin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12), L-Tyrosine, Sucralose, Potassium Citrate, Citric Acid, Acesulfame Potassium, Antioxidant Blend (Green Coffee Bean Extract, Green Tea Extract, Turmeric Extract, Tart Cherry, Blueberry, Broccoli, Kale), L-Theanine, Steviol Glycosides.