Takis Volcano 100gr
Welcome, brave adventurers, to the fiery depths of flavor! Behold, the legendary Takis Volcano, an eruption of taste that will ignite your senses and transport you to a realm of snack-time bliss!
Dive into the molten core of this tantalizing treat and experience an explosion of fiery flavor unlike anything you've encountered before. Each crunchy bite is a quest unto itself, with the tangy lava of lime, the smoldering heat of chili peppers, and the savory intensity of spices that will leave your taste buds trembling with delight.
As you navigate the treacherous terrain of Takis Volcano, be prepared for an adventure that will challenge even the most seasoned snack connoisseur. But fear not, for with each fiery bite, you'll unlock new levels of flavor and embark on a journey of epic proportions.
So gather your fellow adventurers, summon your courage, and embark on a flavor quest like no other with Takis Volcano. Dare to taste the eruption and conquer the snack-time volcano that dares to challenge the very limits of your taste buds!
Ingrediënten maïsmeel (verwerkt met kalk), plantaardige olie (palm- en/of sojaboon- en/of kanola- en/of rijstkiemolie), kruiden [moutdextrine, wei (melk), zout, cheddarkaas (gecultiveerde gepasteuriseerde melk, zout, enzymen), natuurlijke smaak, karnemelkpoeder, knoflookpoeder, uienpoeder, magere melk, specerijen, dextrose, gistextract, citroenzuur, suiker, tricalciumfosfaat, paprika-extract, siliciumdioxide, melkzuur, geel 5, dinatriumfosfaat, habanero peperpoeder, koolzaadolie, blauw 1].